Pourquoi ne pas draguer dans la rue ?

In a society where freedom of expression and respect for others are essential values, flirt in public space raises questions. Women, mainly, are often confronted with flirting situations which sometimes border on harassment. Why then, in this context, is it not recommended to flirt in the street?

Women and flirting in public spaces

Cruising outside is a common practice, but it has a particular impact on women. Indeed, they are the first targets of these advances, often unsolicited. Girls, and even young women, are regularly approached in public spaces, and this can create a feeling of unease, even fear.

Additionally, a mindset of constant flirting can lead to harassment situations. How to distinguish flirting and harassment? Some people think it’s just a matter of perception, but the reality is more nuanced. Harassment is characterized by repetitive, intrusive and unwanted behaviors. While an attempt at flirting may be awkward, harassment is a violation of every woman’s right to live freely in society.

Fear in men

THE men also encounter problems in this context. Indeed, the fear of being perceived as a harasser can inhibit some guys and prevent them from taking the first step. This can create a climate of tension and misunderstanding between men and women.

In addition, the man who flirts in the street can be perceived as a predator, and this can harm his image. He can be stigmatized, rejected, or even attacked. It is therefore a problem for the man, who finds himself in an uncomfortable situation.

A social question

The question of street cruising is therefore also a social question. It reveals divisions, tensions, misunderstandings. It highlights the way we look at others, at women, at men, at seduction.

This raises the question of education, communication and mutual respect. How to learn to seduce, to respect others, to communicate in a positive and constructive way? Answering these questions is essential to building a more harmonious society, in which everyone feels respected and valued.

In conclusion: Why not flirt in the street?

Flirting in the street therefore poses a certain number of problems. There is of course the fear of women, who may feel harassed. There is also the fear of men, who may feel stigmatized. And finally there is the question of society, which must learn to communicate and respect others.

In this context, it is best not to flirt in the street. It is not a question of morality, but of respect for others. Flirting must be a voluntary, consensual approach, and respectful of others. It must be based on exchange, communication, mutual respect.

So, instead of flirting in the street, why not try to get to know each other in a setting more conducive to exchange, such as a social circle, an association, a club, a bar, or even on the internet? There are many possibilities for meeting people, without having to resort to street flirting, which is often frowned upon.

To conclude, let us remember that each person is unique, and that we must always respect others in their singularity. Flirting in the street is not a solution, sometimes it is even the problem. So, let’s learn to meet each other, to respect each other, to understand each other, to build together a more balanced society that is more respectful of everyone.