Un couple de marié devant un champ de tournesol

If you’re dating a guy who doesn’t seem to want to take your relationship to the next level, you’ll probably wonder why. Understanding why he isn’t committed will help you make a decision: whether to stay in the relationship or move on.

Why doesn’t the man get involved?

To know the reasons why men have commitment problems, one must examine his past relationships with other partners, family members and friends. Past relationship experiences often affect future ones, especially in the area of ​​commitment.

Fear of being rejected

Many men have difficulty fully investing their emotions in a relationship because they have been rejected. It may be that a man had very strong feelings for someone, but she thought otherwise. It could also have happened that someone did not love him as deeply as he did, causing deep disappointment.

Fear of changing habits

Some men feel comfortable in their lives and don’t like change. A man with this idea will surely not want to take a new step in a relationship because it will imply a change in his life. Even though it might be better than the life he leads now, he’s not sure and that’s what’s stopping him from moving forward.

Fear of failure

Other men think that getting into a relationship means they have to meet certain expectations. These men are usually perfectionists and don’t want to find themselves in a situation where they know they may not be able to excel. For this reason, they avoid commitment because they do not want to fail.

Their independence

Many men grow up thinking that they don’t need anyone in everything they do, that they take care of themselves and don’t depend on anyone, especially a woman. While some view romantic relationships as a way to take care of someone, others view it as requiring another person to take care of them. This can be a blockage and prevents these types of men from committing to someone.

Their inability to share their life

Some men are very attached to the life they have created. They can be very successful and could reach a career level that provides them with significant financial security. They are not ready to share this success for fear that their companions and companions in misfortune will take advantage of them.

The fear of a change of identity

Not only do men fear that their lives will change, but they also fear that their identity will be altered. They have a certain image of what it means to be in a committed relationship or to be married, and that usually produces a certain type of person. If they don’t understand it, they won’t commit.

The desire to always remain available

Some people who are constantly looking for their soul mate won’t commit because they don’t want to close the door if the opportunity presents itself. They don’t want to settle down because they always wonder if there is someone else better for them.

Past commitments

Some men have had problems in their later relationships. If they have difficulty letting go of past relationships, it will be impossible for them to get involved with someone else again.

The solution

Men with commitment issues all have a fear that holds them back, and many of them don’t want to change. They have their ways and have lingering issues from past relationships. Discussing the reasons that are holding them back could resolve the conflict they have within them. If he’s afraid his life will change dramatically, you might suggest he try moving forward and see how he feels. If it’s not comfortable for him, you can always promise to return to the way things were. Chances are the change won’t be as bad as he expects and he’ll be surprised at how much better he is.

Of course, the practice of marriage is not that easy to do. If your man doesn’t want to commit to marriage, you need to decide whether you want to wait or find someone else. However, before making a decision, consider couples therapy because it is a great way to explore commitment issues and find solutions.

Why do some men have commitment issues? There are several reasons. The key to overcoming the inability to commit is knowing what fear your man has, and approaching it accordingly.