comment savoir si elle me drague

In our modern era, the rules of seduction are constantly evolving. It can be difficult to decipher the signs a woman is sending. Men often wonder: how do we know if She flirting with me ? This is a tricky question that requires in-depth knowledge of the intricacies of nonverbal language and an ability to observe carefully. Girl Or girl, the signs may vary, but there are universal clues that can help you understand his intentions.

Non-verbal signs: how to interpret them?

Nonverbal signs are one of the best ways to tell if a woman is interested in you. This could be a jpg version of his feelings, a clear picture of his intention without words.

Eye contact

A sign A woman’s clear interest is eye contact. If She looks directly at you and maintains her gaze, this is a strong sign that she is attracted to you. She might even look away when she realizes you’re looking at her, but she’ll always come back to you. Take this as a positive sign.

Body language

THE body language is another indicator key. If she turns to you, leans forward during conversation, or subtly imitates your movements, she’s probably interested. Another thing to look for is the to touch. If she makes excuses to touch you or brushes against your arm or shoulder during the conversation, that’s another clear sign that she’s hitting on you.

Verbal signs: the art of conversation

Verbal language is just as important in the flirting process. This is where you can really start to distinguish whether She is interested or just polite.

Interest in the conversation

If a woman asks you a lot of questions and seems genuinely interested in what you have to say, that’s a good sign. She is looking to know more about you, this shows clear interest. Plus, if she’s sharing personal details about her own life, she’s probably looking to make a deeper connection.


A woman who flirts with you will not hesitate to compliment you. Whether it’s your appearance, your sense of humor, or your intelligence, any compliment is a positive sign. Pay attention to how she compliments you and how often she does it.

The use of technologies: a modern sign of flirting

In our digital age, flirting has also taken on a new dimension. Text messages, emails, DMs on social media, all can be used as flirting tools.

Message frequency

If a woman messages you frequently for no apparent reason, that’s a good sign. She thinks about you and wants to keep the conversation going even when you’re not together.

Emojis and the tone of messages

Emojis can be a great indicator of a woman’s interest. If she frequently uses naughty emojis or hearts, that’s a good sign. Plus, if her messages are generally positive and upbeat, she’s probably interested.

Each women is unique and therefore uses different flirting techniques. However, by paying attention to these signs, you will be better equipped to know if she is hitting on you. Start paying attention to these details and let your intuition guide you. After all, seduction is a delicate dance that requires attention, patience and reciprocity. SO, dance !